
© Frie J. Jacobs, 

all rights reserved

  • Solo and duo exhibitions (selection)

2024   Tracing stillness, Wouter De Bruycker Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2023   The Hanging Garden, duo exhibition Diederik Boyen/Frie J. Jacobs, 

           Noir de Noir Concept Gallery, Ostend, Belgium

2023   Unfinished, duo exhibition Paul Gees/Frie J. Jacobs, De Bijl, Zoersel, Belgium - Recensie in TheArtCouch

2022   Stiltenisse, Wouter De Bruycker Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2022   Stiltenisse, Het Atelier, Bruges, Belgium

2019   Hidden harmony, Wouter De Bruycker Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2018   Arboretum, Kalmthout, Belgium

2017   A lesser life, The Collector's House, Antwerp, Belgium

2015   Brief van een onbekende, A Perfect Corrida Art Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2014   Oude Landen / Jonge Spruiten, (Woot), Antwerp, Belgium

2012   Galerie Link, Ghent, Belgium

2011   Denmark, Galerie Link, Ghent, Belgium

2008   Onverzameld, althans, Dagmar De Pooter Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2007   Prelude, Dagmar De Pooter Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2005   Exile, Dagmar De Pooter Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2003   Symposion/gastmaal, Caesuur, Middelburg, The Netherlands

2003   It is what it is, but what it is, it is, Twenty/Sixty Vision Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

  • Group exhibitions (selection)

   2025    Lacuna, met werk van Diederik Boyen, Karl Brabants, Georges De Decker, Trui Demarcke,
               Jean De Groote, Ann Grillet, Maja Jantar, Frie J. Jacobs, Ine Lammers, Shelley Meert,
               Franky Michielsen, Bart Vandevijvere en Kelly Willems, De Bijl, Zoersel, Belgium

   2025-2024 Tussen Licht en Donker, met werk van o.a. David Claerbout - Julien Van Vlasselaer - Jef Verheyden 

               - Sofie Muller - Leon De Smet - Mark Verstockt - Narcisse Tordoir - Frie J. Jacobs - Filip Francis - 

               Gustave De Smet - Fred Bervoets - Luc Tuymans, Paul Van Hoeydonck, … Provinciehuis Antwerpen
   2024    Silence, Noir de Noir Concept Gallery, Ostend, Belgium
   2024    influENSORed III, al dan niet over Roze(n), Noir de Noir Concept Gallery, Ostend, Belgium

   2024    influENSORed II, al dan niet over Roze(n), Noir de Noir Concept Gallery, Ostend, Belgium

   2024    influENSORed, Noir de Noir Concept Gallery, Ostend, Belgium

   2023    Art Meets Nature, Meise, Botanic Garden, Belgium

   2022    M.ARS, Galerie Charlie, Mechelen, Belgium

   2022    Lined up, YOC, Galerie Dessers, Hasselt, Belgium
   2022    Expo #02, Noir de Noir Concept Gallery, Ostend, Belgium

   2021    In touch, CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea
   2021    Drawing Challenge XVII, online project, Jason McCoy Gallery, NY, USA
   2020    Suffrage and struggle: feminist art and the 19th Centennial amendment 

            (collaboration Amy Bassin) - Dorrance H. Hamilton Gallery, Rhode Island USA,

            curated by Jan Howard, chief curator at RISD Museum

2020    Through Walls, YOC, Galerie Dessers, Hasselt, Belgium

2019    1st Feminnale of Cotemporary Art, Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts, Kyrgyzstan

2019    .../CC01, Multiplied & In The End Books?, Tique art space, Antwerp, Belgium 

2018    'Encontro de Rios',Espaço Espelho D'Agua Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal,
               Amy Bassin (USA), Sonia Gil (Brazil), Jana Hunterova (Czech Republic), Frie J. Jacobs (Belgium), 

            Aditi Kulkarni (India), Uma Ray (India), 

            Hidemi Shimura (Japan)

2018    'Buiten - Land', cultuurhuis de Bijl, Zoersel, Belgium 

            Nele Tas, Frie J. Jacobs, Hans Vandekerckhove, Stefan Peters, Greet Van Autgaerden, 

            Bruno Van Dijck en Fik van Gestel

2017    Ellipse, Replika, Chloe Brenan (IE), Freya Copeland (UK/NZ/DE), Karl Dieter Schmid (DE),

            Rita Gaspar Vieira (PT), Frie J. Jacobs (BE), Taizo Matsuyama (JP), Jacintha Murphy (IE/DE),

            Ainsley O’Connell (NZ), Ben Pearce (NZ), Nuno Vieira Sousa (PT), Toyah Webb (NZ),

            Berlin, Germany

2015    #Brusselpoetryfest, WIELS, Brussels, Belgium

2015    Kunstenfestival Watou "In de luwte van de tussentijd", Watou, Belgium

2014    The First Brussels International Underground Poetry Fest, Brussels, Belgium

2013    ... verzamelt werk. Guy Van Bossche, Michaël Borremans, Frie J. Jacobs, 

            Mark Luyten, Roeland Tweelinckx and others. (Woot), Antwerp, Belgium

2013    Anonymous Drawings at the Temporary Art Centre, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

2013    Anonymous Drawings - Leipzig Selection @ Galerie Delikatessenhaus Leipzig, Germany

2013    Anonymous Drawings 2013, Galerie Nord/Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany

2012    Dialoog, duo-expo Zazah G. Van den Broeck & Frie J. Jacobs, Berchem, Belgium

2011    The Light Show, Juicyhead, online exhibition

2011    The Boston Biennial Project, 54th Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy 

2011    Differences? Similarities!, Urban Dialogues, De Bijl, Zoersel, Belgium

2010    Fluxface in Space, FluxMuseum, Exhibition in the Space Shuttle Discovery, Space 

            (Fluxface in Space exhibition website)

2010    "What Matters Most?", curated by Amy Lipton, Exit Art Underground, NYC, USA

2009    Anonymous Drawings N°10, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

2009    Ladenkastproject, Galerie Phoebus, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2008    Art Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Dagmar De Pooter Gallery)

2007    Subject matterS, Dagmar De Pooter Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2006    Verloren Werkelijkheid, De Bijl, Zoersel, Belgium

2005    Galerie Link, Ghent, Belgium

2004    Soorten van blindheid, Het noodzakelijke zwijgen, St. Lucas Passage, Antwerp, Belgium

2003    Fortstraat 100, Het noodzakelijke zwijgen, Mortsel, Belgium

2003    WCT, art project of Trechter 5, ‘De Kleuren van het Lage Land’, Goes, The Netherlands

2002    Praktisch niet theoretisch, videoproject, Annex, Antwerp, Belgium

2002    Kunstgrepen, Westende, Belgium

2002    Albert Grisarstraat 19, Het noodzakelijke zwijgen, Antwerp, Belgium

2001    Rudolfstraat 30, Het noodzakelijke zwijgen, Antwerp, Belgium

2001    De Lichtende Ruimte, Fort Napoleon, Oostende, Belgium

2001    De Belgen Komen, Galerie Bij de Boeken, Ulft, The Netherlands

1999    Overbruggen, Boom/Klein-Willebroek, Belgium

1999    Kunst uit Huis, De Bond, Brugge, Belgium

1998    Kunst is niet eetbaar, De Warande, Turnhout, Belgium

1993    Galerie Annick Ketele, Antwerp, Belgium

1992    Laureaat De Jonge Belgische Schilderkunst/Jeune Peinture Belge (today Belgian Art prize)
               - PvSK (Bozar), Brussels, Belgium

1992    Galerie Annick Ketele, Antwerp, Belgium

1991    Magentas Art Garden, Kalmthout, Belgium

1991    MOS 91, Galerie Magenta, Kalmthout, Belgium

1991    Sfinks-X, Boechout, Belgium

1990    De Gevolgen, De Krabbedans, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

1988    Verdwenen Aarde, Sint-Bernardusabdij, Hemiksem, Belgium

Performances of visual scores

  2014   Colophonium (etude for strings) by Frie J. Jacobs, bow

  2018   Isolated by Frie J. Jacobs, keyboard (harp, cello, clarinet, bells)

  2022   Atemwende by Maja Jantar, voice

  2023   Cradle us to life by Geertje Van Genechten, voice, percussion and Frie J. Jacobs, soundscape

  2024   Theme for the dancing goat by Floris De Rycker, lute

             Rain in the ears, drizzle in the eyes by Floris De Rycker, theorbo 

             Music for wind by Floris De Rycker, renaissance guitar

             How to dance on the wind by Sebastian Enriques, accordion

             Etude on how to listen tot the sound of frogspawn by Barbara Ardennes, accordion 

                                                                                               and Maja Jantar, voice   

             The crying rust by Barbara Ardennes, accordion and Maja Jantar, voice

             Music for wind by Barbara Ardennes, accordion and Maja Jantar, voice

             Slippery waltz by Maja Jantar, voice

             Back to the roots var. no 1 by Barbara Ardennes, accordion and Maja Jantar, voice

             Taraxacum - nocturne by Maja Jantar, voice

Bibliography (selection)

   2024    Tracing Stillness - visuele partituren

               tekst: Frie J. Jacobs, Annemarie Peeters, Jelle Dierickx

               grafische vormgeving: Pieter Geerts

               boek: hard cover, full color, 100 pagina’s, ISBN 9789464988901 - beschikbaar
               Stille wenken: de grafische partituren van Frie J. Jacobs, Annemarie Peeters (voor Musica Divina)

               Briesjes van verbeelding in visuele partituren, Jurjen K. VanderHoek

2023   ‘Unfinished’, een expo vol harmonieuze contrasten tussen Paul Gees en Frie J. Jacobs,
              TheArtCouch online, 13/04/23 by Marleen Scevenels

2022   Maintenant 16, a journal of contemporary Dada writing & art,

           publication: Three Room Press, NYC. My contribution:  ‘OUCH’

2022    Chaos, petrichor #8, uitgeverij petrichor, The Netherlands

2022   De gebrande verstilling in het werk van Frie J. Jacobs, Jurjen K. VanderHoek

2022    ‘Stiltenisse’ Frie J. Jacobs, text Inge Braeckman, Jelle Dierickx, 

             graphic design: Pieter Geerts
               book, hard cover, full color, 96 pages,
ISBN 9789464518498 - available

2021   ‘Isolated’ published in Global insides, the second phase by Debra Leea Glasheen, USA, 

           ISBN-13 : 979-8581607718 - English - 241 pages

2021   Kunstletters, De keuze van Penelope Deltour, January 2021

2020   Soundest 6, a quarterly zine dedicated to celebrating al forms of sounds art 

           and sound in the arts, Helsinki -

2019   .../CC01, Multiplied & In The End Books?, Tique art space, leaflet, Antwerp, Belgium

2017   Real Realism: An Art Manifesto for the Disenchanted by Mark Blickley and Frie J. Jacobs,

           published in Dodging the rain, Ireland, December 1 

2017   Maintenant 11, a journal of contemporary Dada writing & art,

           publication: Three Room Press, NYC. My contribution:  'this is not a pair of glasses'

2017   Kunst staat nooit los van de werkelijkheid, review GVA, February by Frank Heirman

2017   'A lesser life' Frie J. Jacobs, introduction Mark Blickley, book, ISBN 9789090301600

2016   Futures Trading, anthology three, Caleb Puckett, Editor, USA

2015   Real Realism: An Art Manifesto for the Disenchanted by Mark Blickley and Frie J. Jacobs,

           Long Exposure Magazine 

2014   Fragiel en monumentaal tegelijk, review by Anne-Marie Poels, H ART #127, 5 June

2013   2012-1992, een overzicht met tekstbijdragen van Florent Bex, Heidi Brouckaert, 

           Raf Coenjaerts, Jelle Meander, Philip Meersman, David Ulrichs - Naar video

2008   Het raadsel van de zichtbaarheid, Florent Bex

2007   Prelude by David Ulrichs, April, Berlin, Germany

2007   Gabriela Maciel 'Presence', Frie J. Jacobs 'Prelude', Anne-Marie Poels, H ART 10 May

2005   Frie J. Jacobs, Lapiz, review by David Ulrichs, October

2005   Frie J. Jacobs in Dagmar De Pooter Gallery, Gazet van Antwerpen, 

           review by Pieter Geerts, 24 September, Antwerp, Belgium

2005   Het gevondene dat zich laat zoeken, text by Heidi Broeckaert, 5 June, Ghent, Belgium

2005   Organisch, Gentblogt, review, June, Ghent, Belgium

2003   Het is wat het is: roet, eM-magazine, review by Frank Heirman 2 September, Antwerp, Belgium

2003   Frie Jacobs toont zwarte zichtbaarheid in Caesuur, PZC, review by Ernst Jan Rozendaal, 

          19 June, Middelburg, The Netherlands

2003   Kunstroute langs spoor gaat wel door, PZC, photo by Willlem Mieras, 19 June, 

           ’s Heer Henderikskinderen, The Netherlands

2001   De Lichtende Ruimte, publication, Belgium

2001   Kunst in België na 1975 by Florent Bex, Mercatorfonds, Antwerp, Belgium - ISBN 9789061534815

1998   Kunst is niet eetbaar - over verzamelingen en verzamelen, de Warande, Turnhout, Belgium

1994   Frie J. Jacobs observeert de wereld, Gazet van Antwerpen, review by Filip Marsboom, 

           10 May, Antwerp, Belgium

1992   Organische combinatie, Het Laatste Nieuws, review by Bo Mandevillle, 2 July, Antwerp, Belgium

1992   Verhalen uit het Museum der Gesloten Tuin, Het Volk, by Jo De Ruyck, 26 March, Ghent, Belgium

1992   Het Museum der Gesloten Tuin in het Rivierenhof, Gazet van Antwerpen, 

          review by Patrick Van de Perre, 26 March, Antwerp, Belgium

1990  Gevarieerde solo-exposities zes Belgen, Eindhovens Dagblad, 10 March,, The Netherlands


2018   Buiten - Land, February, Zoersel, Belgium

2017   Ellipse, Replika, Berlin, Germany

2015   Kunstenfestival Watou "In de luwte van de tussentijd", Watou, Belgium

2014   Oude Landen / Jonge Spruiten, genummerde publicatie op 30 exemplaren

2011   Differences? Similarities! by Urban Dialogues, March, Zoersel, Belgium

2010   Fluxface in Space, The Fluxmuseum, USA

2003   Fortstraat 100, (cd-rom), September, Mortsel, Belgium

2002   Albert Grisarstraat 19, (cd-rom), Antwerp, Belgium

2001   Rudolfstraat 30, Antwerp, Belgium

1999   Overbruggen, Boom/Klein-Willebroek, Belgium

1999   Stil Leven, Belgium

1997   Kunst Uit Huis, Belgium

1992   Sfinks X, Boechout, Belgium 

1991   MOS 91, Kalmthout, Belgium

1988   Verdwenen Aarde, Hemiksem, Belgium

  • Artist books 

2019    Body of Work, artists book, published by Project O

            collaboration with Amy Bassin (NY) and Mark Blickley (NY)

2018    Saving Face, artists book, published by Project O

            collaboration with Amy Bassin (NY) and Mark Blickley (NY)

2018    Not the Sea, artists book, published by Project O

2018    No Head No Pain, artists book, published by Project O

            collaboration with Amy Bassin (NY) and Mark Blickley (NY)

2018   Ideas, artists book, published by Project O

2018   No Soot / No Light, artists book, published by Project O

2017   Slaaplied/Sleeping Song, artist's book, published by De kleine arbeid

  • Video screenings

2023    The Lonely Absence, Film Festival 'To Love a Human', Oświęcim Cultural Center, Poland

2023    The Lonely Absence, 3rd place in the experimental film category, ARSFilm festival, Brno,
               Czech Republic - collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2022    Atemwende - Maja Jantar, Wouter De Bruycker Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2021    Colophonium, CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea

2021    Silenced memories, 3th place at Book the Film festival, Prague, Czech Republic 

            collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2021    Silenced memories, winner at ARSFilm festival contest, Brno in the category experimental films, 

            Czech Republic - collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2021    Silenced memories, winner of Czech Vision competition, experimental film section regional round 

            Prague and Liberec - collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2020    Day 43 The First Corman Quarantine Film Festival, International online Festival, USA

            collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2020    Day 43 Lift-Off Sessions Film Festival, International online Festival, UK

            collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2020    Day 43 received a 2nd place at the Czech National Film Festival "Czech Vision" 

            in Category Experimental Film

            collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2020    Den 43/Day 43, winner at ARSfilm in the category Experimental film and Videoart,

            collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2019    Awakening, The Form Marienbad Film Festival
               collaboration Jana Hunterova (CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, music (B)

2018    Strangers in Motion, winner of Slovak Press Photo

            collaboration Jana Hunterova(CZ), Frie J. Jacobs, soundscape (B), 

            Mary Alter, Jenne Vath, Joe Battista, Mark Blickley (USA)

2018    Strangers in Motion, Marienbad Film Festival - collaboration Jana Hunterova(Cz), 

            Frie J. Jacobs, soundscape (B), Mary Alter, Jenne Vath, Joe Battista, Mark Blickley (USA)

2017    Remembrance, A lesser life, The Collector's House, Antwerp, Belgium

2017    Entercity, video festival, Turin, Italy - Somnabulist soaring

            collaboration with Jana Hunterova (CZ), Amy Bassin (USA)

            and No man's land , collaboration with Jana Hunterova (CZ)

2014    Colophonium, The First Brussels International Underground Poetry Fest, Brussels, Belgium

  • Published poetry

2024   ‘geluk’ in Poëziekrant nr 1 jan/feb 2024

2020   ‘Lege coulissen’ in Dichterbij, uitgeverij Epo, ISBN 9789464078954
   2017  ‘Nu het nog kan’ in De schaal van Digther, oktober

2017   Gedichten in Zeg het met tekst, May

2017   Eerste Prijs Poëzieprijs C.C. Boontje met het gedicht 'Hoe haar oude handen', publicatie

2017   Gedichten in Het Gezeefde Gedicht, March, May, October, December

2016   Gedichten in Het Gezeefde Gedicht, January, May, Jul, December
